Editing is proceeding slowly for two other reasons:

1. One needs to be extremely careful and RIGHT;
2. One can ONLY do so much at each sitting, as one loses perspective which causes mistakes when one tries to do too much. Mr. Jackson tries to accomplish 2-3 hour's in the morning then another 2-3 hours in the afternoon. The archivists are now scheduled to work 4 to 6 hours per day as well.

Editing goes much faster when there are single festivals that can be separated into events, then refining each. The only other festivals tha we are anticipating might be slow are the 6 rain-propitiating festivals of the Holy Cross (the jaguar fights) in Acatlan and Zitiala, Guerrero, attended over 5 years. Needless to say, we will attempt to have them all in one place so as not to have to do them over again, as was the case with the Huastecan carnivals.

When we finish Easters, the Collection will be 1/3 edited and reordered. We expect to be close to 1/2 complete at the end of the ne quarter (May-July). Now that we have a system down, we fully expec to have everything completed in the allotted timeframe, by July 31, 2004.


Dec31-Jan 1&8-99 • Cambio de Varas Santa Teresa, Nay. Cora

Dec 3199-1 Jan 00 • Cambio de Varas Tenejapa, Chis. Tzeltal May

Jan 6 96 • Santos Reyes Nopala, Oax Chatin

Jan 6 01 • Danza de Abraham y Isaac Dzitnup, Yuc. Cruzob Maya

Jan 6 01 • Danza de Abraham y Isaac Tihosuco, Q. R. Cruzob Maya

15-Jan-00 • Esquipulas Tila, Chis. Chol May

15-Jan-01 • Esquipulas, Guatemal

20-Jan-00 • San Sebastian Chiapa del Corzo Chiapaneco

2-Feb-93 • Fiesta de la Virgen de la Candelaria Tlacotalpan, Ver. Mestizo

2-Feb-97 • La Candelaria Huehuetla, Hgo Nahua/Tepehua


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