George O. Jackson, Jr.
Curriculum Vitae

I began working on the Essence of Mexico Project in January of 1990, intending to devote the remainder of the decade to capturing the essence of the Mexican festival as it exists during the final decade of the millennium. I was convinced that, in the rapidly-changing modern world, much of what has long been will soon be lost. Since then I have photographed more than two hundred of the most important festivals of the more than 60 indigenous cultures.

My plan is to document this fascinating subject and build an archive on the art of the Mexican festival. My idea is to present the resulting material not only on a photojournalistic anthropological level but also artistically, thereby expanding interest, appreciation and understanding of this indigenous ephemeral art form.

While building the Essence of Mexico collection, I have also been developing a portfolio of surrealistic images titled Embrujo Mexicano. Through means of photomontage, I create these images by juxtaposing and fusing the beautiful and sometimes bizarre images that I encounter on my travels throughout Mexico.

Museum Shows

Cycles of the Sun – Festivals of the North

2-8/2000 Houston Museum of Natural Science, Houston, Texas, and FotoFest, 2000
Carnival of Ancient Spring : The Huastecan Rites of Purification and Renewal
3-11/1996 Houston Museum of Natural Science, Exhibition funded by HMNS

Summer Festivals of Southwest Mexico

8-10/1999 Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois
3-9/1995 Houston Museum of Natural Science
Funded by the US/Mexico Fund for Culture, created and sponsored by the Fundacion Cultural Bancomer, Mexico’s National Fund for Culture and the Arts, and The Rockefeller Foundation.

The Essence of Mexico
(Curated from the first two years of the project.)

1-3/1995 University of California, Davis, California
1-7/1993 Museo Nacional de Culturas Populares, Mexico, D.F.
5-8/1992 Instituto Cultural Mexicano, San Antonio, Texas
1-5/1992 Houston Museum of Natural Science, Houston, Texas

Photographic Exhibitions

 11/2000 Puertas de la Eternidad, six photographs in a group exhibition of the Mexican days of the dead. Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum, Chicago
12/1999-2/2000 Contact : Christians and Moors, Millennial Exhibition

Blue Star Art Space, San Antonio, Texas,
Salt Lake City Art Center, Salt Lake City, Utah
Organized by Carla Stellweg, curated by Roberto Tejada, funded by the Robert J. and Helen C. Kleberg Foundation and the Houston Artist Fund, with grants from Friends of the Essence of Mexico Project.

2/1997 Encuentros Recientes, Mardi Gras Museum, Galveston, Texas
9/1996 FotoSeptiembre 96 – Embrujo Mexicano Portfolio shown during Mexico’s Month of Photography at the Museo de las Artes, Guadalajara, Jalisco
6/1993 Photographic exhibition and slide presentation at the Instituto Frances de America Latina (French Embassy) Mexico, D.F. as part of a tribute to the late Francois Reichenbach.

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