• Jueves de Carnaval Castillo del Teayo, Ver. - Totonaco
1996 • Domingo antes de Carnaval Municipio de Chontla, Veracruz
1996 • Jueves de Carnaval Ixcatepec, Ver. Huasteco
2000 • Carnaval Tenosique Tenosqiue, Tab. Maya de Tabasco/Mestizo
1997 • Carnaval Tepehua Pisa Flores, Ver. Tepehua
2000 • Carnaval Ocozocuatla, Chis. Chiapanec
1989 • Cuaresma (It Friday) Yautepec, Morelos Nahua/Mestizo
1989 • Cuaresma (15t Friday) Chalma Estado de Mexico Nahua/Mestizo
1990 • Cuaresma (16t Friday) Chalma Estado de Mexico Nahua/Mestizo
1992 • Cuaresma (1" Friday) Santiago Xalizintia, Puebla
(Paso de Cortes, faldas del Popocatepetl)) Recepcion de peregrinos
locales Ilegando del santuario de
1992 • Cuaresma (1" Friday) Chalma Estado de Mexico Nahua/Mestizo
1992 • Cuaresma (2 Id Friday) Totoltepec, Pue. Nahua Poblana
1992 • Cuaresma (3rd Friday) Igualapa, Gro. Tlapaneco, Amusgo, Mixteco,
2000 • Cuaresma (3rd Friday) Venustiano Carranza, Chis. Tzeltal/Mestizo
2000 • Cuaresma (4 th Friday) Bejucal de Ocampo, Chiapas Mam
2000 8 Mar • National Fireworks Festival Tultepec, Edo. de MexicoMestizo
2001 , 15 March 98 • Nino Fidencio Espinazo, N.L. Mestizo
Attached as an Appendix A to this report are the remaining festivals
still to be edited (See page 7).
2) Progress on electronic, searchable
Rebecca Romanchuk, who replaced Lisa
Jones, has done more work on the
searchable data
base. She
fields into
which data
is entered
order to increase the ability to
search by month and year of festival. She
also began
to create
controlled lists
for accurate
and standardized
entry of locations, festivals, and
culture groups. Controlled lists
will prevent
typographical errors
in data entry
and will ensure
that the labeling
of images will adhere to a predetermined
intellectual description and arrangement.
Further work needs
to be done on these
controlled lists
and on the incorporation of a slide
numbering scheme in the database.